Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wisconsin, Budgets, and Ideology

The dust has settled, and Scott Walker is still governor of Wisconsin. Obviously, that means that Mitt Romney is going to win in November.

Like hell.

The Wisconsin vote had almost nothing to do with ideology, and everything to do with the budget. We, the People, are fully aware that budget cuts always seem to start with the fire department, the police department, our school art/music/gym programs, our street lights, and the hours we can protest our tax bill at the assessor's office.

When Park Service budgets were cut last year, the government closed the national parks. What? Did the trees go away?

The Wisconsin message is this: enough. Enough, already with the threats and the extortion. Enough with the embezzlement and budget-padding. Enough with the catered dinners and team-building exercises in Las Vegas. Enough with the two-hour "power lunches" and "commerce" junkets to Thailand. Scott Walker won the recall vote not because of his stand on abortion or affirmative action, but because he balanced the budget. With the budget balanced, the People then decide how that money should be spent.

Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.

Republicans and Democrats alike need to learn a message Americans learned back in Vietnam: Papa-san don't care what's happening in Saigon. Stay the hell off Papa-san's dike and leave Papa-san's water buffalo alone.

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