Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nazis and Gay Marriage

I have spent a lot of time thinking about gay marriage over the past few days. Here, briefly, are my thoughts:

1. Hey, Barack - stop asking Michelle and the girls what they think about things, reach across the aisle, and help get folks back to work. Three-and-a-half years in it's probably too late, but at least folks would know your head was in the right place.

2. Anybody comparing gay marriage to slavery or conservatives to Nazis needs to read a book on slavery and then watch a documentary on the holocaust. Saying two guys can't get married may be intolerant, but it's not quite the same thing as if, say, the state of North Carolina used tax money to construct and operate a murder mill and crematoriaum where 3,000 people a day got converted to ashes. This may in fact be a civil rights issue, but let's keep this crap in perspective.

3. Anybody on either side of the issue suggesting that the Union be dissolved over gay marriage needs to read a book on the Civil War. One with pictures. For the most part, I'd rather talk all day than get shot. Or shoot someone.

So those are my thoughts. Read a couple of books, watch a movie, go to work, and don't shoot anybody. A philosophy for the ages.

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