Monday, May 28, 2012

Not the Heroic Fallen

Today is Memorial Day in the United States. It is dedicated to those who died while serving in the armed forces.

Today, for an hour, or only a minute, we need to think about the dead. The ones who would be here today except for prideful politicians and a few genuinely evil dictators. Fathers and sons. They didn't "willingly sacrifice themselves on the altar of freedom" as we will hear so often today. We put them there. We decided that our nation, our way of doing things, was important enough to put those fathers and sons between our nation and those who would harm it. We asked, and for their own reasons, they answered.

We must dedicate ourselves to being worthy of what we asked. Study the issues. Vote. Despise and rebuke the corrupt. Get off the sidelines. Carry the ball one step for those who can't.

Have that barbecue today - the dead would, if they could. But tomorrow, in your heart, try to make it the day after Memorial Day, and not just Tuesday.

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